Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Finland part 3

The more I read about the Finnish educational system the more impressed I become. They work to develop the student from learner to an employee. They do this by working closely with business to encourage children to choose job paths that embrace the skills the child needs to be successful. and tailor their learning outcomes to meet those needs. They teach the children about what working life entails by having them work in their chosen field at times. This helps foster the desire to do well because the child knows what is expected of them in their work.

The educational system works to help make information clear, logical and consistent with the needs of the community. They want everyone to be successful so they create individual learning and qualification pathways, not one system fits all. This allows students to flow with their needs, as well as meeting the needs of the community.  In the end there is success which has resulted in one of the lowest unemployment rates in the world with a strongly educated work force.

Who could ask for anything more.

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